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- [English] The Voice \\ The best song of 2013
Posted by : Unknown
sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2013

Voice will present on the New Year's Day, on 01/01/2014 at 12 o'clock a voting list to the listeners os the best songs of 2013.
So that we know what to put in the list of songs, now we need your help.
Please, click on the voting form containing 3 of your favorite songs this year - the first three.
If your favorite song is not selected in the list presented, select "Jokin muu, mikä" and type your favorite song on the field that opens.
Click here to vote
You can choose among 'Miracle' and 'Don Juan' in the categories "Paras biisi" (Best song), "Toiseksi parhain biisi" (Second best song) or "Kolmanneksi parhain biisi" (The most perfect song).
After choosing your three favorite songs, fill in the fields below:
- Etunimi (Name)
- Sukunimi (Surname)
- Ikä (Age)
- Osoite (Address)
- Postitoimipaikka (City)
- Postinumero (Postal code)
- Puhelin (Phone)
- Sähköposti (E-mail)
*All fields are required
And now click "Osallistu" and it's done!
Source: x
Translation/adaptation: Lovex Street Team PT|BR